A Tribute to Qapel (Achariya Doug Duncan)
July 14, 1949 – October 5, 2024
Qapel, our dear Teacher and co-founder of Planet Dharma and Clear Sky Meditation Center, passed away suddenly on October 5, 2024.
As our community mourns and reflects on his generosity and compassion as a Teacher, we look to the leadership and wisdom of his partner and Co-Teacher, Catherine Pawasarat Sensei, who boldly continues his vision and ever-evolving Teachings.
Special Event
Qapel: Life & Teachings Christmas Celebration
Tuesday Dec 24th, 2:30-4pm MST – Online.
As we come close to three months since Qapel passing, joining us for a special online party on Christmas Eve to celebrate Qapel’s life and teachings, including sharings of archive photos from early days in Japan and beyond from Catherine Sensei. Register here: Eventbrite
Qapel’s Final Teaching:
The Future of Dharma
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Clear Sky on September 22, 2024, Qapel gave an inspiring speech on the future of Dharma. He outlined his vision for including and transcending Buddhism in a planetary form of Dharma for future generations. He also shares his vision of Clear Sky as a refuge for the work of modern-day awakening, and the future Temple as a lighthouse.
Qapel's Legacy
Spiritual Training for Modern People
We welcome you to support Qapel’s legacy and dream of building a Temple at Clear Sky that will serve as a beacon for the next 500 years: Temple Project Donations. If you’re moved to offer a gift in thanks and memory of Qapel but are unsure what to offer, please talk to Karen McAllister [email protected].
Conscious Community
Evolving Group Guru
We recognize that we are at a time of great transition, moving from the Piscean age’s traditional model of ‘One Guru’ (one Pope, etc.) to the more collective ‘Group Guru’ of the Aquarian age.
While valuing the important relationship between Teacher and Student in liberation, we recognize that as the world continues to become ever more complex, it will be communities that carry human society’s wisdom potential forward in the future.
Qapel’s teachings on Group Guru can be viewed in a video here.
And an article about Group Guru written this year by Qapel and Sensei can be read here.
Tributes to Qapel
His legacy Facebook Page is a place where you can offer a tribute.
We invite you to share in honor of Qapel, from your heart.