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Summer Retreat: Buddhas in Action
August 6, 2017 - August 20, 2017
© D. Steinbock
Buddhas in Action Retreat
Awakening Through Work & Daily Life
For those of us with busy lives, the spiritual life can feel out of reach. We want to relate meaningfully with those around us, but we often feel unfulfilled. Work just leaves us feeling worn out and slightly empty. And sometimes the space between self and other feels like a gaping hole.
We all need to earn a living and deal with day-to-day pressures, so why not use contemporary spiritual practices at work to feel fulfilled while doing so? These two parts of our life can support one another in beautiful ways, leading to great feelings of meaningfulness, balance, and connection.
Our experience shows that blending study, meditation, and what we call “awakening through action” profoundly integrates spiritual practice with day-to-day demands.
Traditionally, spiritual seekers lived in monasteries or trained with their teacher in the remote mountain caves. Throughout both traditions, meditation and training were supplemented with practical application. This practical application–also called karma yoga or the path of action–helped students learn to embody ever-growing wisdom and awareness moment-to-moment. The idea was always to share these fruits of spiritual practice in meaningful ways with the broader community, for everyone’s benefit.
We’ve spent the last 20 years adapting this tradition of awakening through action to our modern lives, at home, in offices, at our desks, in meetings and in the field. This profoundly practical application can help you find greater joy, fulfillment, and calm amidst your busy daily life.
Why Use Karma Yoga to Wake Up Your Work & Daily Life?
By learning the principles of karma yoga, you can apply awareness and wisdom to everything you do. Cultivating this practice allows you to transform your work, home and city life into a connective field of monastic or yogic practice. Your home becomes your monastery, your co-workers become your fellow yogis and yoginis.
This retreat gives you the building blocks to apply awareness, compassion, wisdom, and strength to each moment. The result is greater fulfillment amid daily life and meaningful connection with others and the world around you.
Please note that this retreat and Clear Sky welcome people of all religious backgrounds and beliefs. This retreat is open to all experience levels.
Why the Actions of “Service?”
Calling our actions “service” instills the notion that we do it with and for others. Service helps both ourselves and others gain greater clarity and contentment throughout our daily activities. By putting others first, we give the ego a chance to relax. The result is increased success, effectiveness, and fulfillment in our work.
This approach is highly relevant to the Western lifestyle of the 21st century. This course offers you the opportunity to learn from our experience and take it back home and to work with you.
In this course, we’ll draw on traditional meditation and yogic practices and philosophy. We’ll also utilize exercises drawn from Namgyal Rinpoche’s Holistic Clearing practice, Theory U, Fifth Discipline, Five Dysfunctions of a Team and original exercises we’ve created expressly for Karma Yoga and Dharma Training development.
What’s Expected from Me if I Come to This Retreat?
© D. Steinbock
An open mind and heart, and a spirit of adventure are excellent things to bring!
It’s human to have some apprehensions about doing something new, meeting new people, or going to a new place. Particularly when all three happen together. We try to make this as supportive as possible. And changes – including positive ones – require movement, and movement requires engaged energy.
We ask you to engage with us around the teachings and activities that will support your learning and unfoldment around awakening in action.
When exploring our growth edges, it’s natural to feel uncertain and awkward. And it’s very fruitful to transform that tension into creative energy by drawing on your own inner resources – such as inquiry, going with the flow, and self-reflection, just a few of the many kinds of constructive engagement.
To maximize your learning, we ask that you refrain from reading, using the internet or listening to music during the course. We make an exception for journaling, course assignments and dancing during exercises or group celebration – all great resources for integration and growth.
Lastly, our teaching and Clear Sky operate based on the ancient tradition of dāna or generosity. Please learn more about this profound practice before you register.
About the Teachers
© C. Pawasarat
Dharma Teachers Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat place great value on using every action as your practice for enlightenment. Combined, they have been practicing Karma Yoga and meditation for more than 60 years. They both received lay ordination from the Canadian-born Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, and have shared teachings of liberation worldwide for decades.
This retreat is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in karma yoga learning and practice over a focused two-week period. Doug and Catherine typically teach students one-on-one at various times. It is suitable for their students who are already practicing karma yoga and for beginners alike.
Join this retreat for the valuable opportunity to help share these unique teachings in the contemporary world.
Read more: Doug & Catherine’s Bios.
Further Reading
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Ready for Buddhas in Action?
Invest in your growth and unfoldment with master Dharma teachers Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat this summer. Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, beautiful Clear Sky meditation centre offers the perfect locale for deep learning. Receive hands-on training in mind, body and feeling as Doug & Catherine guide you through Karma Yoga and Dharma Training via classes, assigned exercises and practice in community. You will also discover the powerful holistic clearing technique and other forms of meditation.
Stay for the full two week ‘deeper dive’ to take advantage of the option of private interviews with Doug and/or Catherine in the second week, to pursue more personalized inquiries if desired.
*Spaces on this retreat are limited so we recommend registering early to hold a space. Camping is also an option.
What else do you need to know?
- Dāna (Generosity Based Teaching)
Doug & Catherine are teaching this meditation retreat via the ancient tradition of Dāna (generosity), an offering from them to the attendees. It is considered of supreme value to your life and thus “beyond price” so it is expected that the student will be equally generous and support the teaching and the teachers by making an offering.
While no offering is too small, also no offering is too great. The giver benefits by offering as much as they can, given the individual’s circumstances. Along with compassion, generosity is considered the root of spiritual progress and, according to the ancients, therefore the root of our success in daily life as well.
Find out more about how you can practice Dāna. We invite you to offer Dāna when you register and via the Dāna bowl available at Clear Sky.
- Meditation Retreat Dates, Arrival & Departure
This meditation retreat runs as follows:
– Deeper Dive (Full 14 Day Retreat) – Arrival: 4pm Sunday August 6th, 2017 / Departure: 1pm Sunday August 20th, 2017.
– One Week Option (7 Days) – Arrival: 4pm Sunday August 6th, 2017 / Departure: 1pm Sunday August 13th, 2017.
We recommend arriving a day early and staying a day later, to help transition between your daily life and a more reflective state. We encourage international students in particular to arrive one day earlier to acclimatize. Sunday, 13 Aug. is an integration day, to reflect on one’s learning and allow it to settle more deeply. Classes finish at 1pm on Sunday August 20th.
- Extra Activities & What to Bring:
–For week one: Please bring a swim suit, beach towel, work clothes that can get dirty and shoes suitable for hiking.
-For week two: There will be a Vajrapani empowerment. (Vajrapani symbolizes the body of all buddhas of the ten directions and three times and represents enlightened activity. (The Bodhisattva Manjushri represents mind and Avalokiteshvara that of speech). Please also bring clothes suitable for going out to a meal together
- Meditation Retreat Centre Fees (Lodging & Meals)
This meditation retreat will be held at beautiful Clear Sky Meditation Centre. Fees which include lodging (camping or indoors) & meals are as follows:
– Full Retreat: Super Early Bird CAD$1,679 until June 6th / Early Bird CAD$1,779 until July 6th / Regular price CAD$1,879.
– First Week only: Super Early Bird CAD$899 until June 6th / Early Bird CAD$949 until July 6th / Regular price CAD$999
- Karma Yoga
Karma yoga during this retreat may entail supporting the center and participants in the area of nourishment, environmental services, operational support of Clear Sky Center. This may entail involvement with meal preparation, serving or cleanup, the farm and garden, our sustainable land management, helping build on-site meditation platforms, etc.
- Registration
Book early for this popular meditation retreat as spaces are limited. All registrations can be made via the Clear Sky Registration page, by clicking the Register Now button below. If you have questions about the retreat, please visit:
Sign up here to be notified about any updates regarding this retreat and other Planet Dharma news.