In-Person Dharma Retreats & Training

in-person dharma

In-Person Training

Roll up your sleeves and jump in.

While we love online learning, it can’t compare to in-person dharma teachings. Experiential learning, especially for longer periods, is where wisdom can deepen and develop, taking you beyond surface level knowledge.

We invite you to meet with us, come to one of our public classes, join one of our meditation retreats or sign up to be a Karma Yogi (practicing service as a spiritual path) in the three month intensive program at Clear Sky Meditation Centre.

2025 In-Person Schedule

 Visit the FULL 2025 Dharma Teachings schedule for the in-person retreats:

2025 Schedule Overview

Dharma in the Stars:   Integrating Saturn

Weekend Retreat | Online & In-Person

As spiritual explorers, we want breakthrough. We want liberation, freedom, and the ability to manifest our deepest vision for this lifetime. The only way to bring these spiritual aspirations to fruition—and break away from our timeworn, “stuck” patterns—is to embrace discipline, which gives us access to breakthrough. Astrologically, this means working with Saturn. Join Catherine Sensei, a wisdom teacher who has developed AstroDharma as a tool for transformation, in a weekend ripe for life-altering insights.

March 21-23


8 Day Retreat | Online & In-Person

Study sensation, the breath, body, and mind. Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei in an eight-day Vipassana meditation retreat, a practice suitable whether you are a newbie or seasoned meditator, or have always wanted to do a longer retreat. Gift yourself the in-person guidance of an accomplished meditation teacher and a balanced meditative approach using the foundations of mindfulness from the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. In-person, with an online option.

June 13-22

As the Spirit Moves

Weekend Retreat | Online & In-Person

Show up for teachings from Sensei and find out what he’ll teach. It will be eclectic and sure to inspire. In the spirit of Guru Yoga – unorganised, undetermined, unregulated. No seatbelts allowed.

July 11-13

Dharma & Sex

Weekend Retreat | Online & In-Person

Everything in our life comes back to our view. Can wisdom traditions exist with sexuality and relationship as a core component? How about without them? Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei for a female Dharma perspective on sexuality and spiritual practice – using the integral spirituality framework as a lens.

Oct 31-Nov 2

Christmas Retreat

Retreat | Online & In-Person

Meditate in community this Christmas with a sangha meditation retreat at Clear Sky Meditation Centre. 

Dec 25-Jan 1

3-Month Intensive Program

Clear Sky Meditation Centre, BC Canada
Our Three Month Intensive Program brings spiritual awakening into the modern context – by integrating karma yoga, meditation, psychology, environment, career, and community.

This program is for those who appreciate that the most challenging experiences are also the most rewarding. Located at our home meditation centre, Clear Sky.

Private Retreats and Stays

Retreat and Hybrid Program

Deepen your meditation practice with an invaluable supported stay in Clear Sky Center’s personal retreat cabins.

Or, apply to join the Clear Sky residential community to train daily with the Teachers and sangha via the full time 3 month intensive karma yoga program (for new students). For established students contact us to ask about the hybrid karma yoga program.

Affiliated Dharma Communities

Our Dharma community extends internationally, with students of Qapel (Doug Duncan) and Catherine Pawasarat teaching in urban settings. If you are so lucky to live near one of our sangha centers, or Clear Sky Centre itself, we highly recommend you immerse yourself in their local programs.

Local communities are teaching in locations including UK, Brasil, Toronto, Calgary, Germany, Paris and the East Kootenay.

Awakening today.

We offer an ever-evolving modern spiritual path for committed, courageous seekers.
Explore the teachings three ways below:




Daniel O’Brien

Recently, I attended the Tarot/ Tree of Life weekend retreat presented by the teachers of Planet Dharma, Qapel Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei who laid out the basics of the Tarot and Tree of Life, gave time to ponder the information in meditation and explained in simple terms that made an ancient tradition accessible and relevant to the twenty-first century. I highly recommend their courses for beginners as well as experienced students.

Daniel O'Brien
High School Teacher, author, and experienced meditator
Maureen Smith

Retreating in person with Qapel and Sensei is like coming home. It’s like visiting the authentic High Priestess, Magician and Fool all rolled into two. Well its like visiting the whole major Arcana archetypes all rolled into two people. They are loving, generous, knowledgeable, wise and compassionate.

Maureen Smith
Michelle Heinz

The Western Mysteries & Tarot with Doug and Catherine Sensei has been highly transformative and relevant to my personal and universal experience of being human. I am still discovering new and varied ways of showing up in my life; how to leverage talents, strengthen weak links and lighten up!

Michelle Heinz
People Weaver at Retreat Guru
Ryan Gies

This retreat was right on the mark – a perfect blend of focused inner work along with space for reflection in a trusting and comfortable setting. The teachers were wonderful, insightful, humorous, and extremely attentive to our individual needs for understanding. This unique experience cultivated a bond within the group and fostered an energy that amplified each lesson.

Ryan Gies
Manager of Software Engineering
Renata Drtinova

The teachings always speak directly to me. It is uncanny. It is like hearing a language that I spoke in some other life form and suddenly it rings a bell. And bell after bell. Like a universal language that we all used to speak but have forgotten. It is as if new pathways in the brain open up – directly from the cosmos via Qapel and Sensei.



Renata Drtinova
Psychotherapist (Gestalt therapist)
Maya Lewandowsky

Studying the hero’s journey with master Dharma teachers Qapel and Sensei, I discovered my own journey of transformation and the unknown. While walking on this path with the quest to awaken in this lifetime, I learned to bring the gift of wisdom and service to others. This retreat has impacted my artistic statements and performances since. It has allowed me to bring other artists and collaborators on this journey. It is a brilliant course both for artists and those who want to experience life as art.

Maya Lewandowsky