Online Dharma

in-person dharma

Online Training

Grow from wherever you are in the world

Wherever you might be, there you will find yourself. Access Dharma Teachings with Qapel and Catherine Sensei online from anywhere in the world.

2025 Online Schedule

These are a selection of courses in 2025, however please visit the FULL 2025 Dharma Teachings schedule for updates through the year:

2025 Schedule Overview

Integral Evolution: Waking Up & Growing Up

Four Weeks | Online 

Along with the work of waking up—cultivating an enlightened state—we also need to do the work of growing up. This means learning to integrate the clear state into the world through doing our shadow work, developing our communication, and doing all the critical development work to be a fully integrated human being. In this course we explore the elements of a fit and dynamic vehicle for 21st-century awakening, and beyond.

Jan 12-Feb 2

Dharma in the Stars:  Integrating Saturn

Weekend Retreat | Online & In-Person

As spiritual explorers, we want breakthrough. We want liberation, freedom, and the ability to manifest our deepest vision for this lifetime. The only way to bring these spiritual aspirations to fruition—and break away from our timeworn, “stuck” patterns—is to embrace discipline, which gives us access to breakthrough. Astrologically, this means working with Saturn. Join Catherine Sensei, a wisdom teacher who has developed AstroDharma as a tool for transformation, in a weekend ripe for life-altering insights.

March 21-23

Joy! Fuel for Awakening

Four Weeks | Online

The spiritual path is the hardest—yet most worthwhile—path one can undertake. To walk the path and meet our challenges, we need serious sustenance. Joy is a vital treasure that can feed us and put the air under our wings.

In what can be seen as a dark time for our whole planet, joy is vital to cultivate for ourselves and for each other, in our aspiration to benefit all beings. This online course with teacher Catherine Pawasarat Sensei throws open the door to joy, and revitalizes it as a resource for the journey of awakening.

April 13- May 4


8 day Retreat | Online & In-Person

Study sensation, the breath, body, and mind. Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei in an eight-day Vipassana meditation retreat, a practice suitable whether you are a newbie or seasoned meditator, or have always wanted to do a longer retreat. Gift yourself the in-person guidance of an accomplished meditation teacher and a balanced meditative approach using the foundations of mindfulness from the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. In-person, with an online option.

June 13-22

As the Spirit Moves

Weekend Retreat | Online & In-Person

Show up for teachings from Sensei and find out what he’ll teach. It will be eclectic and sure to inspire. In the spirit of Guru Yoga – unorganised, undetermined, unregulated. No seatbelts allowed.

July 11-13

Dharma & Sex

Weekend Retreat | Online & In-Person

Everything in our life comes back to our view. Can wisdom traditions exist with sexuality and relationship as a core component? How about without them? Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei for a female Dharma perspective on sexuality and spiritual practice – using the integral spirituality framework as a lens.

Oct 31- Nov 2

To Be Announced

Four Weeks | Online

The topic of the fourth online course in 2025 is to be announced. Mark your calendars!

Nov 23-Dec 14

Self Study Courses

AstroDharma and more

Explore new areas of study – including AstroDharma (a powerful blend of Astrology and Buddhism), Wake Up (a modern take on traditional paths to awakening), Generosity, and Women & Buddhism (insights and tools to transform traditional gender inequity into compassion).

Awakening today.

We offer an ever-evolving modern spiritual path for committed, courageous seekers.
Explore the teachings three ways below:




Michele Cherot

I greatly appreciate the depth of knowledge and level of expertise that is shared by the Qapel and Sensei. Their teachings are always well prepared and transformative in my thinking and spiritual growth.

Michele Cherot,
Michelle Heinz

The Western Mysteries & Tarot with Doug and Catherine Sensei has been highly transformative and relevant to my personal and universal experience of being human. I am still discovering new and varied ways of showing up in my life; how to leverage talents, strengthen weak links and lighten up!

Michelle Heinz
People Weaver at Retreat Guru
Ronda Clanfield

It has been sheer joy to be a participant in the “Foundations of Buddhist Philosophy” online classes. Qapel and Sensei made the practice come alive for me in a way that was accessible and pertinent to my everyday life. And of course, I always enjoy their unfailing good humour which puts a lighter touch on what can sometimes be a very dry subject.

Ronda Clanfield
Resources Specialist, CBC National TV News (retired)
Renata Drtinova

The teachings always speak directly to me. It is uncanny. It is like hearing a language that I spoke in some other life form and suddenly it rings a bell. And bell after bell. Like a universal language that we all used to speak but have forgotten. It is as if new pathways in the brain open up – directly from the cosmos via Qapel and Sensei.



Renata Drtinova
Psychotherapist (Gestalt therapist)
Dan O’Brien

The teachers of Planet Dharma’s [online courses] aim to provide learning opportunities from age-old teachings while including modern information. Qapel and Sensei are examples of continued learning about the fascinating, yet troubled world we live in. They help one to develop ideas about how to help out and live well in society.

Dan O'Brian