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The Hero’s Journey Retreat at Clear Sky Center
February 12, 2015 - February 20, 2015
The Hero’s Journey
This popular retreat offers a powerful mythical journey experience. Accepting the challenge of the Hero’s Journey will leave you with a healthier, strengthened ego – one more fully integrated with the ‘shadow’ and thus accessing more energy and less susceptible to stress.
Introducing the shadow
What do we mean by ‘shadow’? Our shadow aspects are the unconscious patterns and views that affect our behavior, decisions and intentions to the extent that we’re not acting consciously for the benefit of ourselves or others. For most of us, the ego is locked in a continual struggle with the shadow: it determines whether we like or dislike people, situations and things, without realizing why or being conscious of our responses.
In terms of lifetime patterns, we may be undermining our relationships, blocking our growth, and limiting our spiritual unfoldment and thus our ability to benefit others.
Or: we can choose to take a look at what’s really going on under the surface. Negative emotions like anxiety and depression are rooted in the ego’s need to ‘object’-ify our experience. We attempt to cling to things. Since all things have an impermanent nature, this inevitably leads to struggle and dissatisfaction. Once we commit to the challenge to release the energy locked in there, imagine the fountain of energy that becomes available to us then!
Enter the Hero
In this retreat, support your inner hero or heroine to undertake a courageous journey through the archetypes. The aim: not to destroy the shadow, but to integrate it with the ego – releasing a healthy, or awakening, human being.
When you explore and meditate on archetypes in place of your objects, you provide a halfway house for your object addiction. In this way, the Hero’s Journey slowly reveals to you the essential nature of reality – the ground of being. These insights are only accessible through direct experience – also known as ‘pure perception.’
This retreat is offered by Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat on the basis of dāna, or generosity practice. Learn more about dāna.
What Others Say
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Location & Registration
Join us for this mythical journey at Clear Sky Center in eastern BC, Canada, amidst supportive and nurturing 310 acres of natural beauty. Visit the registration page for fees charged by the center for food and accommodation.