Bliss is present because there is no one trying to do anything. Be very clear about this: bliss arises when you no longer try to do anything.
A one-minute excerpt from a talk by Doug Sensei on the Diamond Sutra held at Zofukuji Temple, Miki, Japan, on Jan. 4, 2013. You’ll want to listen to this one over and over again.
Podcast Transcription:
“Bliss is present because there is no one trying to do anything. Be very clear about this: bliss arises when you no longer try to do anything. Whether it’s a golf shot, a poem, a recipe, or singing a song in a band. You’re not trying anymore. The minute you don’t try to do anything, there it is — the flow, I guess. You only can be a samurai when you realize you are already dead. The minute you put in a defensive motif of any kind it tightens your muscles, it slows down your reaction time, puts you in a sense of separation […] So, recognize awakening is… you already have to see your life as being over. My life is over. MY life is over. There’s just life. My preferences and non-preferences are over. There’s just options.”