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Dharma in the Stars: Integrating Saturn

March 21 - March 23

Dharma in the Stars: Integrating Saturn

Online or In-Person | March 21-23, 2025

As spiritual explorers, we want breakthroughs. We want liberation, freedom, and the ability to manifest our most profound vision for this lifetime. And ironically, the only way to bring these spiritual aspirations to fruition—and to break away from our timeworn, “stuck” patterns—is to embrace discipline, which builds the supporting structures for breakthrough. Astrologically, this means working with Saturn. Join Catherine Sensei, a wisdom teacher who has developed AstroDharma as a tool for transformation, in a weekend ripe for life-altering insights.


Dharma in the Stars:  Integrating Saturn

Astrological Wheel

This course for you if:

  • You’d like to study an astrological Dharmic framework for spiritual understanding with a wisdom teacher in the Namgyal lineage.
  • You’d like to explore where you need to integrate discipline—perhaps where you are still rebelling—and learn to face reality, karma, and responsibility head on.
  • You’d like to transform blocks in your life by leveraging strengths and talents responsibly.
  • You’d like greater clues into how to put in the hard but rewarding work that empowers you to construct a life that lets you manifest your full potential.
  • You’d like to learn more about the relationship between our karma, our actions, and our life circumstances. 
  • You’d like insights into how you can best connect with awakening states in a grounded way.
  • You want to understand the patterns of others, as well as your own, to be a more skilled and compassionate being in the world.
Astrological Wheel

As spiritual explorers, we can lean on the idealized notion of being a “free spirit.” This aspiration can lead to chafing around boundaries and authority, two of the hallmarks of Saturn. It’s easy to project these qualities onto someone or something else, as our disowned shadow. Integrating these qualities in ourselves is key to true spiritual growth. Drawing on AstroDharma as a resource can help us get there. 

Historically, Saturn was associated with the Grim Reaper or Father Time, and it’s still known as the Lord of Karma. Wherever we have Saturn in our natal astrological chart, we are likely to experience restrictions or obstacles. Integrating our Saturn involves learning to dismantle these constraints, and upcycling the resources thereby acquired as foundations upon which to build the rest of our lives. In this way, we begin to participate in the conscious shaping of our karma.

The planet Saturn is the doorway to working consciously with more transpersonal and universal energies. After all, it is the gatekeeper from the personal inner planets to the transpersonal or generational outer planets. In AstroDharma, the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—offer the transformative energy we need for breakthroughs, through their mighty forces of revolution, dissolution, and destruction, respectively. Accessing and working consciously with these powerful energies requires discipline and self-mastery: in other words, integration (vs. projection) of Saturn. An untrained, undisciplined warrior cannot navigate these stormy forces of change. Instead, karmic tempests repeatedly knock us sideways. Saturn’s authority and responsibility are the keys to breaking through the locks of our conditioned karma to our greater potential—and rising to the challenge of our total transformation.

In other words, we must integrate Saturn to become what we truly want to be.

In AstroDharma, we refer to our North Node as our “Dharma,” our Dharmic path. Learning to manifest our North Node is the most challenging path we can undertake because it involves swimming upstream against the heavy current of our South Node’s familiar and habitual Karma. However, we cannot work with our North Node, our true potential, unless we work with Saturn.

Mastery requires incredible discipline. An Olympic figure skater lands that quadruple axle on the ice because they’ve invested thousands of training hours towards achieving this potential. 

Over the course, we will show you how to examine your natal chart, and look at participants’ charts together, focusing on Saturn, its ruler, Capricorn, and the associated 10th house. We also encourage you to bring burning questions arising from your life—particularly related to challenges around blocks and authority themes—so we can study how they show up in your chart astrolodharmically. Think about specific questions which will be of particular benefit to you, and which will help you towards being of benefit to others.

For those attending in person, Catherine Sensei will lead us in somatic AstroDharma mandalas to embody our Saturn together. These mandalas can be a compelling, visceral experience.

 What You’ll Learn: 

  • A review of AstroDharma and how it is unique.
  • How to examine and map your own astrological natal chart’s placements, particularly Saturn, its ruler, Capricorn, and the related 10th house.
  • What happens with Saturn, Capricorn, and the 10th house? Why are they considered difficult? How can we access their potential wisdom and mastery?
  • Tools for recognizing and working with reality as it is, mapping karma and potential. 
  • How to work with obstacles, authority, and discipline, toward the growth of your greater potential.

About AstroDharma

“AstroDharma” is what Catherine Pawasarat Sensei calls her unique synthesis of Buddhist teachings on spiritual awakening (Dharma) and transpersonal Western astrology, based on the teachings of Carl Jung.

These two powerful tools help us better understand ourselves and the patterns we manifest in our lives. The more we know about ourselves, the more choices we have. Then, we can make better choices so that we may lead healthier, better-integrated lives. Furthermore, we can also more deeply understand the patterns of those around us, and support the potential in others, which is key to Buddhist practitioners’ bodhisattva vow.

Saturn relates to what we’d like to manifest in the world, the areas of life we’d like to master and teach to others. It’s a rare and significant achievement to integrate both external authority and our inner tyrant into self-discipline and skilled judgment. Working with our Saturn, over time and with conscious effort, we gradually learn to take responsibility for shaping our own karma. This is easier said than done.

Meet the Teacher

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei is a contemporary Dharma teacher, attendant, consort, co-teacher via Planet Dharma and co-founder of Clear Sky Retreat Center. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living and universal spiritual tools including transpersonal astrology and Japanese arts.

She has trained daily with Acariya Doug Duncan since 1998 in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003. 

More About Sensei | About the Lineage

Why AstroDharma?

Buddhist Dharma and Western Astrology are powerful systems that can be applied to help us better understand ourselves and recognize the archetypal patterns in our lives. The invitation to “Know Thyself” remains at the core of Western philosophy and the Buddhist meditation system offers us a map of consciousness that liberates us from identifying with a literal, fixed self.

Many of us in the West are raised to celebrate the individual self – to be creative, get in touch with ourselves, find our unique path, and explore why we are here on this planet. Buddhist Dharma leaps over personalizations by instructing us that there is no inherent self, and that we must realize this to find spiritual awakening and liberation from suffering.

For many of us that’s a big leap. On the way, we may miss valuable lessons about how we may compassionately show up in the world as unique individuals. The practice of AstroDharma is a way to help us bridge two systems. Transpersonal Western astrology can reveal individual or personal patterns and influences. We get a window into the energies, the pushes and pulls, of the psyche. Dharma expands the view beyond self, into a path of service to community, for the benefit of all beings. Over time, with growing confidence and awareness, we can transcend our natal charts, and awaken.

Bonus Gift for Course Participants

Planet Dharma- Intro to AstroDharma

Online AstroDharma Course INCLUDED

Catherine Sensei also offers an online Intro to AstroDharma course which you will be able to access at the end of this course. This will help you continue your studies.


A Taste of the Course

Sensei offers a 27 minute introduction to Women in Buddhism. You can watch it on YouTube: 

Or listen to it on the Dharma If You Dare podcast (below or wherever you find your podcasts):

Course Details

Time and Location

Dharma in the Stars: Integrating Saturn will be led by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei at Clear Sky Meditation Center in Eastern BC.  This course is offered in-person or online. Retreating at Clear Sky is encouraged in order to participate in the in-person only somatic AstroDharma mandala work. In-person at Clear Sky is always a more grounded, supportive, communal experience.

Schedule / Class Times: All listed in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), and will be 60-90 minutes in duration.  Please clear your schedule for the entire weekend to focus on this work. The following class times are approximate:

  • Friday 7pm (please arrive on-site by 3pm at the latest)
  • Saturday 9am, 2pm, and in-person somatic work at 7pm
  • Sunday 9am, 2pm, and in-person somatic work at 4pm

Online participants are expected to attend classes live.  We have arranged class times to be comfortable for most time zones. However we understand that some class times might occur after midnight in some regions; if this is the case for you, please let us know when you register. We can provide a recording so you can catch up on that particular class if it occurs in the middle of the night for you.

What you will need: Your astrology chart (based on your time of birth or by dowsing). More details will be given upon registration.

What Does the Course Cost?

In-Person Participants:
1) dāna to the Teacher,
2) accommodation and meal costs for your stay Clear Sky Meditation Centre.

  • Private Cabin – CAD $471.00
  • Shared Room – CAD $371.00

Keen Practitioner Pricing: Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until Feb 14, 2025.

Online Participants:
1) dāna to the Teacher,
2) online administration fee of $170 CAD.

Keen Practitioner Pricing: Book now and get 5% off listed prices. Offer valid until Feb 14, 2025

You may have come across this elsewhere in the form of “pay from the heart.” Dāna is a Sanskrit term meaning “generosity.” With dāna, we give as a mutual exchange of generosity. It’s our joy to offer this course, and we trust you’ll match our time, energy, and passion by giving an amount of money that feels good and healthy to both you and us.

The Dharma has been built on generosity. No-one is excluded for lack of funds but it is also extremely beneficial to give as much as you are able.

Typically people give in a range of $120-$500 USD for a course.

As we’re committed to ensuring everyone has access to the Dharma, please feel comfortable to give less if you are not financially secure.  Another form of giving dāna is to offer service, and if you are interested in providing support in a non-financial way, we invite you to contact us.

Conversely, if you are financially secure, we invite you to generate merit by providing more financial support to the Triple Gem. Contributions like these make the difference in supporting our teachers, teachings, and center.

Learn more about the practice of dāna here.

In a traditional model of in-person teachings, a retreat center or urban meditation center invites teachers to visit. In these cases the centers have infrastructure and organization costs to cover, which might be covered by an admin fee. For the teaching itself, dāna to the teachers is offered in a bowl. This honors both the sustainability of the teachers, and of the supporting center.

We’ve tried to recreate this approach online. The teachers’ time and the teaching themselves are offered on the basis of dāna, separate to the admin fee. With our dāna offering we are making a direct gift of generosity to the teachers to support their teachings and livelihood.

The admin fee* goes to support the infrastructure and organization necessary to support them to teach. As anyone with an online business will know, it can be surprising the costs of setting up a good infrastructure to support effective teaching and connection online. The admin fee changes based on date of registration.

*We also do not wish to exclude anyone from the Teachings, so if you are not currently in a financial position to afford the admin fee, please contact the course Registrar via [email protected] so we can support you to attend.

Below are a few of the work and benefits that your admin fee payment is supporting:

  • high speed internet (to allow interviews and classes on-line)
  • online class systems (Zoom)
  • registration / admin systems (Eventbrite, Basecamp)
  • communication systems to keep everyone informed, share connection details, teachings and other resources (Mailchimp)
  • online storage (for example, Dropbox, to allow us to let students watch recordings, and to store and share selected teachings in other forms such as podcasts and video later, and Amazon cloud)
  • quality sound, video and editing equipment (both for live teachings and to provide good enough quality for later sharing as podcasts and video). We are regularly updating our equipment to improve your user experience.
  • online calendar booking system to allow students to book interviews
  • website hosting and maintenance for sharing upcoming courses, teachings, blogs and other resources.

We welcome any questions. May all our efforts be sustainable, abundant and for the benefit of all beings!



IMPORTANT: Onsite retreatants: Register early as places on the retreat are limited.
(Register for in-person by March 14, 2025, assuming space is still available.)   

Online retreatants, please register as early as possible so there is time to prepare your charts. (Register for online by March 14, 2025.)



If you have questions about the retreat, please contact the Clear Sky Retreat Manager at 250-429-3929  (phone) or at [email protected] (email).

Why Retreat In-Person?

Retreating in person at a retreat center is the best way to retreat – why?

  • You can’t beat live interaction with the course Teachers. Being in the same space with clear beings ‘tunes’ you to more wholesome states.
  • We create a welcoming environment and follow a supportive retreat schedule, based on decades of hosting successful retreats worldwide.
  • Wholesome and delicious food is provided so you don’t have to spend time cooking for yourself.
  • Breath-taking and restful, natural environment puts your body and mind at ease and resets your nervous system.
  • Retreating at our center gets you out of your usual home environment and routines – they can be distracting.
  • Retreating with others (your co-retreatants) is incredibly supportive and energy building.

We work hard to support the online learning experience.

  • We have been delivering online offerings since 2012 and are always looking for new ways to optimize your experience.
  • Classes are live-streamed and some recordings are available for a certain time.
  • HD cameras and professional audio equipment provide high quality video streaming.

What Do Previous Retreatants Say?

Jenai Lieu

These are ancient teachings that I feel are important to understand if someone is serious about meditation. I appreciate Qapel and Sensei’s unrelenting perseverance to teach about the roots and traditions of these life changing practices. They explore the rich history with us and also deliver the material in a very understandable and relevant way.

Jenai Lieu
Psychology student, Canada
Kira MacDuffee

Working with Qapel and Sensei at the five day hero’s journey workshop was deeply impactful and has clarified not only my deepest heart’s desire, but what I need to overcome to manifest it. They are extraordinary facilitators with a great depth of knowledge, wisdom and presence to share.

Kira MacDuffee
M.Ed / RCC
Dr. Duncan Cryle

Doing karma yoga, I watch how everyone gains new insights.  These many “a-ha moments” makes it clear to me that this type of active dharma training is a path that brings the modern spiritual explorer alive and moves them forward.

Dr. Duncan Cryle
Ph.D IBM executive, Clear Sky Accountability Officer
Evangelos Diavolitsis

Qapel and Sensei have consistently been honest, accurate and candid with me. It has sometimes taken me years to admit my self-sabotaging blind spots. Clear and radical self-honesty liberates my sticky parts. Thank you to my master teachers for helping me free up all the energy knots – especially the ones created from unconscious patterning around money, sex and power.

Evangelos Diavolitsis
Peter Ujlaki

Qapel and Sensei are always burning calories to get you back on a path that can lead toward greater self-awareness. When I am with these two very clear individuals, I am humbled by their dedication to others, and understand the every-waking-moment responsibility that comes with their calling.

Peter Ujlaki
Fine Art Dealer, Japan
Cara Conroy-Lau

Doug and Catherine teach the Vajrayana with great skill and means. Their ability to shift, weave and embrace each moment with diverse types of students is amazing. One of the jewels they teach and transmit is deity practice, or arising yoga. I have experienced many of their wongkur initiations and find them to be powerful and liberative experiences that also provide tools of great value in my day-to-day practice.

Cara Conroy-Lau

Free AstroDharma Resources 

Free AstroDharma Resources

We’d like to gift you three AstroDharma resources that we’ve found very helpful. Subscribe to get the following tools, direct to your inbox:

  1. AstroDharma Reference Chart (Handy printable guide)
  2. The 3 Most Important Parts of Your Chart (Video)
  3. AstroDharma and Relationships (Video)

AstroDharma free resources

How We Use AstroDharma

For spiritual seekers looking to grow, the unique combination of Buddhism and Transpersonal Astrology speed us up on our spiritual path.

At our meditation centre, we use Western astrology alongside Buddhist philosophy and meditation practice.  This helps our students transform their challenges more effectively.

There are five key aspects of AstroDharma study:
1. Understand how to read your own astrological birth chart.
2. Harness and develop its positive elements wisely.
3. Recognize and overcome elements that may be out-of-balance.
4. Use this knowledge to redirect your energy into more effective patterns of living.
5. Use meditation, and ideally work with teachers and a spiritual community, to go deeper and fully investigate and liberate the subtle patterns and conditioning.


Teacher Bio

Catherine Pawasarat

Since the early 2000s Catherine has provided dharma training and taught the path of awakening to hundreds of students, together with Doug Duncan Sensei and on her own. In addition to Astrology and Buddhist philosophy and their applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living (a.k.a. sustainability) and the arts.

Catherine is from a lineage of spiritual awakening that values the best of Eastern and Western philosophy. Her partner Doug Duncan Sensei and their teacher Namgyal Rinpoche excel in teaching both methods. This is an ideal training for Westerners, and an evolution of traditional teachings for the modern seeker.

In addition to Planet Dharma and Clear Sky, her website shares her ground-breaking work on the spiritual traditions and sustainability of Kyoto’s 1100-year-old Gion Festival.

Free AstroDharma Resources – Join our Community

AstroDharma is a profound and vast study. Join our Planet Dharma newsletter to get a handy AstroDharma one-page reference guide and an introductory video to help you get oriented, as well as periodic updates and teachings from Planet Dharma.

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