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Foundations of Buddhist Philosophy (Online)

June 2, 2015

Photo credit: Dietmar Temps

A five-week online course, streamed live and recorded.
Five classes, every Tuesday night in June at 7:30pm Mountain Time Zone:
Tues., 2 June, 7:30 pm MT
Tues., 9 June, 7:30 pm MT
Tues., 16 June, 7:30 pm MT
Tues., 23 June, 7:30 pm MT
Tues., 30 June, 7:30 pm MT
Use the Time Zone Converter to find out the date and time in your location.

Course Description:

Much of the mindfulness, self-awareness and self-improvement courses that are available today are modern derivatives of ancient traditions and methods that could be called fundamentally Buddhist. These five streamed courses will give an overview of the foundations of the Buddhist teachings of liberation, helping us better understand and make optimal use of contemporary interpretations.

In essence, the Buddha taught two things: the nature of suffering, and the cessation of suffering. Join us in examining the roots of his insights and the fruits (bliss), which has motivated and captivated seekers of liberation and greater self-knowledge for 2500 years.

A limited number of registrants are invited to actively engage with these teachings online, based on the progressive and precious practice of dāna.

Register for Buddhist Philosophy Course

*Before registering, you indicate that you have read and agree to the Student Expectations.

Course Outcomes

As a result of completing this course, students will:

✓ Receive 7.5 hours of live online teachings related to the foundations of Buddhist philosophy:

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

The Four Ennobling Truths

The Four Ennobling Efforts

The Four Means of Accomplishment

The Four Defilements

The Five Aggregates

The Five Powers

The Six (and Ten) Paramis

The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

The Eight-Fold Ennobling Path

The Twelve Links of Dependent Origination

✓  Learn about practical tools that we may use in everyday life to:

Understand the root conditions of our struggle/s

Understand the path to free ourselves from this struggle

Bring greater insight and compassion into our life

Allow greater insight and bliss in our daily lives

Increase the degrees of freedom we enjoy in daily life

✓ Have the opportunity to participate live, ask the teachers questions, and to generate merit by giving others the dāna of learning from your experience.

✓ Enjoy small class sizes, as limited number of registrants are invited to actively engage with these teachings online, based on the progressive and precious practice of dāna.

Register for Meditation Retreat

*By registering, you indicate that you have read and agree to the Student Expectations.

Student Expectations

Photo credit: El-Patojo

Photo credit: El-Patojo

Engage mindfully with a dāna practice that is both generative and sustainable for you.

Attend each weekly webinar live, or watch the recording within one week (after which recordings will not be available).

Arrive ten minutes early and use the time to do a breathing or grounding practice, to prepare for new learning.

Leave one comment about an insight that arose for you during each weekly class on the YouTube interface page.

Complete one assignment given during class each week, and report on your homework and contribute to group discussions weekly on Planet Dharma’s online community (Juice).

The weekly assignment, reporting and group discussion are designed to be completed within one hour. We recommend that you create an hour of space in your schedule each week to engage in this way, on top of the webinar itself.

Note: Registrations spaces are limited. Registering for this course and failing to attend or participate may affect future registrations.



Register for Meditation Retreat

*By registering, you indicate that you have read and agree to the Student Expectations.


Dāna is the Sanskrit word for “generosity,” and is at the heart of all spiritual practice and attainment. As the sun generously provides us with light and warmth, and plants generously provide us with oxygen, so the teachings of spiritual unfoldment sustain us throughout this and all lifetimes. There is no way to repay the sun, the foliage or spiritual teachers for the life support provided; yet we do what we can so that others and future generations may benefit as we have. By providing whatever support we can for the teachers and the teachings, we also generate merit and strengthen our capacity to support the flourishing of the teachings, thereby generating more merit. Traditionally dāna is offered at the beginning of a course, to demonstrate our commitment to earnest practice so that we may awaken speedily, for the benefit of all beings. One of the wonderful mysteries of dāna is that the giving never ceases, and we become more skilled and discerning and joyful with our giving. May all our efforts benefit all beings.

Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat, Dharma Teachers

To give an offering of dāna: There will be an opportunity to give your dāna for the course as part of the registration process.

What others say: Testimonials

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Register for Meditation Retreat

*By registering, you indicate that you have read and agree to the Student Expectations


More information:

About the teachers: More about Dharma Teachers Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat.

Join a retreat:  See our meditation retreat schedule.

Read Doug Duncan’s book: Dharma If You Dare, available as an e-book.


June 2, 2015
Event Category: