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Holistic Clearing Retreat
July 4, 2015 - July 11, 2015
Holistic Clearing – A Modern Liberative Practice
Join this retreat to learn a simple and transformative four-step approach that has amazing power to free us from persistent and tenacious blocks. Holistic Clearing offers a supportive and fully liberating self-contained practice. It is an original creation by Namgyal Rinpoche, representing a new and unique stream in spiritual practices. In particular this meditation is designed to help us face and overcome paralysis, any sense of being “stuck.” This practice empowers us to become unstuck, to flow naturally and gracefully in sync with the energy of the universe that we call the awakened mind. The Holistic Clearing meditations are designed to purify, balance and strengthen our transcendent natures, the optimal manifestations of our being. Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat continue this lineage of authentic teachings. Let them skillfully guide you through this straightforward, insight-style program that empowers us to luxuriate in greater freedom and joy in our lives. Join this retreat for the valuable opportunity to help share these unique Namgyal teachings in the contemporary world.
Course Outcomes
• Recognize, identify and build on the strengths and positives already in our lives.
• Use your strengths to support your growth in other areas.
• Learn how to move beyond our strengths, to develop our potential further and in more integrated ways.
• Recognize and clear elements of your persona that stand in the way of greater freedom and clarity.
• Identify and grow completely new areas of our own potential.
• Access more energy and focus to accomplish our aims and meet our aspirations.
• Balance all of the above.
• Continue the practices at home after course completion.
Expectations and Inspirations
To succeed with this practice, participants will:
• Show up early for classes and participate in all scheduled teachings, group meditations and other activities scheduled during the course.
• Foster and maintain an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in the community of practice that has gathered for this course.
• Refrain from reading materials not related to this course, while using journal writing as a means of recording reflections.
• Make constructive use of additional time during the week for contemplation and spiritual unfoldment.
• Participate mindfully in daily scheduled Karma Yoga (“Path of Service”) practices at Clear Sky.
Further reading:
Why holistic clearing is so unique and important: The Benefits of Holistic Clearing.
This retreat is offered by Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat on the basis of dāna, or generosity practice. Learn more about dāna.
What others say about Doug & Catherine
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Location & Registration
Join us for the Holistic Clearing Retreat at Clear Sky Center in eastern BC, Canada, amidst supportive and nurturing 310 acres of natural beauty.
Photo credit: Cara Conroy-Low