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Western Mysteries: Webinar Series
October 10, 2016 - October 31, 2016
The Divine Mysteries are about self-knowledge. The most truly successful human beings (Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ and the Buddha, to name a few) knew themselves. Nothing has changed. To know yourself is wisdom, and the mysteries are about knowing oneself. The Mysteries also help us to skillfully navigate the inevitable challenges of our day-to-day lives.
Join Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat for this fourth of four enlightening webinar series on fundamental teachings of awakening throughout 2016. This course focuses on the Western or Divine Mysteries and will be streamed in four classes over four weeks.
These webinars are open to all. For participants of the 2016 Year of Awakening program, these webinars are also part of the program’s curriculum.
What is covered in this course?
Photo: Quote Catalog
The Western Mysteries parallel wisdom traditions worldwide. They are similar in kind to Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism and Islam. In fact, we could say that the world’s religions are all derivations of the Mysteries, as they all come from the same archetypal roots of the universal human experience.
In the West these traditions went underground because of persecution from the early Roman church, though they can still be found in histories of Christian subgroups like the Gnostics. Meanwhile, in the East, the mysteries were openly practiced, and so remain an integral part of those religions.
The Western Mysteries embody a series of studies, meditations and initiations that the student actively participates in as part of their spiritual development. Rooted in these ancient Mystery Traditions, our approach to the Western Mysteries is also very much an interactive study, dynamic and participatory. We’ve developed these even further with our contemporary practices of Karma Yoga and Dharma Training.
While these classes’ webinar format constrains the interactive element, we encourage participants to do deeper work in person at Clear Sky Retreat Center to benefit more fully from the embodied practices. For year-round practice and spiritual development, Karma Yoga and Dharma Training are highly recommended.
Webinar One: Universal Stages of Unfoldment
The Divine Mysteries follow a path of unfoldment that is the same in essence to all awakening traditions. The 14 steps or stages are universal, one of the world’s original “how-tos”.
In the first week of the Western Mysteries webinars, we outline the 14 steps, and share an overview of some of the world’s greatest mystery traditions.
While the steps are fairly simple, the execution can be both joyful and treacherous. The sleeping ego doesn’t want to know, but it also can’t rest. So this unrest, this discontent, drives us to wake up, like sand in an oyster, so that we may become the precious pearl we are meant to be. As the wise person said, “Give up everything to seek the pearl without price.”
This webinar will be held live on October 10, 2016 at 7:30pm MST.
Webinar Two: The Tree of Life
The Cabbalistic tradition is one of the strongest Western Mystery traditions. We examine the work of the Cabbalist, the four worlds of his or her development, and how these four fit together to form what is known as “Jacob’s ladder.”
We introduce the Tree of Life from this paradigm, and how the individual cards of the Tarot (both visual and psychodynamic symbols) interact with the different parts of the Tree of Life.
This webinar will be held live on October 17, 2016 at 7:30pm MST.
Webinar Three: Archetypes of the Tarot
The Tarot offers a powerful, concise path of liberation drawing on universal life experiences to invite us into deeper understanding of the mystical life. As archetypes and meditations, their symbolism is utterly transformative. This week we examine some of the cards, their archetypal meanings, and how some of their groupings may be catalytic for our spiritual transformation.
This webinar will be held live on October 24, 2016 at 7:30pm MST.
Webinar Four: The Hero’s Journey
Every person is the protagonist of their own heroic, epic journey. This week we share the heart-wrenching trials and exhilarating adventures that befall us as we leave home to embark upon the challenges of the spiritual path. Accosted by “demons” and assisted by sages, eventually we attain our holy grail: returning to one’s community with the precious gift of all that we have learned. We explore the 14 steps to liberation as seen through the lens of the Hero’s Journey.
This webinar will be held live on October 31, 2016 at 7:30pm MST.
Course Teachers Doug Duncan & Catherine Pawasarat:
Combined, Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat have been practicing the teachings of awakening for more than 60 years. They’re well versed in Buddhist and Western philosophy and practices, as well as contemporary psychology, consciousness studies and art.
Doug and Catherine founded Clear Sky Meditation Centre in BC, where they are based, ten years ago. Having lived overseas for many years and traveled extensively, they also draw on intercultural and trans-cultural experience to broaden the range and depth of their understandings of liberation that they share with others.
Their engaged compassion, sense of humor and combined wisdom will enrich your life with exploration & discovery. Click for their full bios: Western Mysteries Course Teachers.
What others say about them:
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What else do you need to know?
- Webinar Dates & Availability
These webinars take place online via live streaming on Monday Oct 10, 17, 24 and 31 at 7:30pm MST. They will also be available to view online for one week after each broadcast. You must enroll the 1st webinar before October 10 in order to have access to registration for webinars 2, 3 and 4. The links to register for sessions 2 – 4 will be included in confirmation emails when you register for this first session, as well in reminder emails a week before each webinar.
- Dāna (generosity)
The ancient tradition of Dāna (generosity) is an offering from the teachers to the attendees. It is considered of supreme value to your life and thus “beyond price” so it is expected that the student will be equally generous and support the teaching and the teachers by making an offering. While no offering is too small, also no offering is too great. The giver benefits by offering as much as they can, given the individual’s circumstances. Along with compassion, generosity is considered the root of spiritual progress and, according to the ancients, therefore the root of our success in daily life as well. Find out more about how you can practice Dāna. We invite you to offer Dāna via the Eventbrite registration page when you register.
- Registration Fee
To cover the costs of our online platforms, software and registration, this webinar series also has a $50 Registration Fee. This is separate from the Dāna practice mentioned above.
- Question & Answer Sessions:
Along with the weekly Monday night classes there is a Saturday afternoon Question and Answer for those enrolled in the Year of Awakening Program. For those not in the program, we offer semi-monthly “Office Hours” for questions related to the webinars and spiritual practice in general. These Office Hours are open to anyone, and take place at 3:00pm MST on Sunday Oct 9 and Sunday Oct 23. Check your own time zone.
- Community Forum (Juice):
As part of this course we offer the valuable opportunity to participate, share and interact on our online platform, “Juice”. You will receive information for how to access this forum when you register for the webinars. Its a great way to get feedback, discuss your learning and explore the Western Mysteries even more deeply with others.
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