Browse Schedule by Category: Retreats / Online Courses

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Razor’s Edge: The Dance of Absolute & Relative Truths

This weekend course is a precious opportunity to study with meditation master and Namgyal lineage teacher Qapel (Achariya Doug Duncan). He will share fundamental Buddhist teachings on the nature of absolute and relative truths, and how we can best dance between, within and amidst the two.

Movement of the Mandala Tarot Retreat

The Movement of the Mandala is a powerful embodied retreat on the Tarot's archetypes, inspired by the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche's teachings. The retreat was first offered by the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche 50 years ago at the Dharma Centre of Canada in 1974, of which Qapel attended as a new student. A master of both Eastern and Western mystical tradition, Rinpoche's innovative course will be offered by Qapel and Catherine Sensei for the first and last time in Qapel's lifetime.

Hamster Wheel or Heaven? The Wheel of Dependent Origination

Would you like to look more closely at what makes you 'you' - how phenomena and perception arise? Then join us for a weekend of study of the wheel of dependent origination - a a powerful map for understanding consciousness.  This is a foundational philosophical doctrine shared by all schools of Buddhism. Recommended for students of all levels. 

The Power of Sangha & Group Guru

Sangha are the people working alongside you to wake up. We can use each other to pull ourselves out of the mires of suffering. This four week course will be a modern approach to sangha and group guru, during which we will look at the interplay between the collective, the individual and liberation.

Sangha Christmas and Foundation Work 2024

Join us this holiday season for two weeks of Teachings with Sensei, time with Sangha, and an eight-day Foundation Work retreat.
Note: This retreat is open to existing Sangha only. Prerequisite: In the past two-years, you have attended at least one in-person retreat with Catherine Sensei.

Qapel: Life and Teachings Christmas Celebration

As we come close to three months since Qapel passing, joining us for a special online party on Christmas Eve to celebrate Qapel's life and teachings, including sharings of archive photos from early days in Japan and beyond from Catherine Sensei.

Waking Up & Growing Up: Integral Buddhism

Along with the work of waking up– cultivating an enlightened state – we also need to do the work of growing up. This is Integral Buddhism – the next turning of the wheel of Dharma for it to be a vehicle fit for the 21st century. Join us for a four week online course of this exciting study.

Dharma in the Stars: Integrating Saturn

As spiritual explorers, we want breakthrough. We want liberation, freedom, and the ability to manifest our deepest vision for this lifetime. The only way to bring these spiritual aspirations to fruition—and break away from our timeworn, “stuck” patterns—is to embrace discipline, which gives us access to breakthrough. Astrologically, this means working with Saturn. Join Catherine Sensei, a wisdom teacher who has developed AstroDharma as a tool for transformation, in a weekend ripe for life-altering insights

Joy! Fuel for Awakening

The spiritual path is the hardest—yet most worthwhile—path one can undertake. To walk the path and meet our challenges, we need serious sustenance. Joy is a vital treasure that can feed us and put the air under our wings.
In what can be seen as a dark time for our whole planet, joy is vital to cultivate for ourselves and for each other, in our aspiration to benefit all beings. This online course with teacher Catherine Pawasarat Sensei throws open the door to joy, and revitalizes it as a resource for the journey of awakening.

Vipassana Meditation Retreat

Study sensation, the breath, body, and mind. Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei in an eight-day Vipassana meditation retreat, a practice suitable whether you are a newbie or seasoned meditator, or have always wanted to do a longer retreat. We will practice a balanced meditative approach using the foundations of mindfulness from the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta.