Advancing While Retreating

Advancing While Retreating

By on May 10th, 2021

Advancing While Retreating What is it like to meditate for a month? 10 May, 2021 by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei Advancing In Meditation Retreat What is it like to meditate for a month? I embark on annual month-long meditation retreats. It took me nearly twenty years of...
Gion Festival: Exploring Its Mysteries

Gion Festival: Exploring Its Mysteries

By on July 30th, 2020

Exploring the Mysteries of the Gion Festival Catherine Pawasarat Sensei is the author of a new book – The Gion Festival: Exploring Its Mysteries. We interviewed her about the festival’s ancient spiritual roots, her love for the community that surrounds it...
Conscious Living through Awareness of Death

Conscious Living through Awareness of Death

By on June 5th, 2020

Some spiritual traditions––including the one I’ve practiced for over 20 years––include practices that regularly remind us of death, and how to prepare for death. Such reminders help us keep in mind how precious this life is. They help us to stay in the present...
Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras

Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras

By and on April 19th, 2020

Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras 19 APRIL, 2020 Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras by Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat What does the path of spiritual awakening consist of? Fundamentally, spiritual practice gives birth to an ever-growing realization: there is a...
Guardians Against Epidemics: Blessings from Retreat

Guardians Against Epidemics: Blessings from Retreat

By on March 22nd, 2020

Image © C. Pawasarat. Guardians Against Epidemics Blessings from Retreat 22 March, 2020 by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei Greetings dear sangha, I’m currently in a writing retreat, working on my guidebook to Kyoto’s spectacular Gion Festival. In retreat at Clear Sky, it’s...
Meditation: Beyond Mindfulness

Meditation: Beyond Mindfulness

By and on February 27th, 2020

Why go beyond mindfulness, to meditation? What is the difference between the two?  While they may be related, they are not the same thing. In this talk, Dharma Teachers Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat speak about the differences and advantages of meditation and...