Library: Dharma Resources

Read, watch, listen, contemplate.
You are invited to enjoy our ever-growing online library of Dharma resources – including our three books, our podcast channel, youtube videos, Dharma articles and self-study courses – from anywhere in the world!
Dharma If You Dare
Living Life with Abandon
by Doug Duncan
Humorous and accessible, this pithy book offers an empowering starting point for addressing our desire for ‘something more’.
Wasteland to Pureland
Reflections on the Path to Awakening
by Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat
Inspiring and visionary, Wasteland to Pureland provides a path for Dharma in the 21st century and beyond.
The Gion Festival
Exploring Its Mysteries
by Catherine Pawasarat
Catherine Sensei is the leading non-Japanese expert on Kyoto’s famous Gion Festival. Her book is an essential guidebook to an elaborate festival with ancient spiritual roots.
Dharma if You Dare Podcast
Audio Dharma Teachings – New Episodes.
What does it take to live a life of meaning and compassion in our busy day-to-day lives? Tune in to get the knowledge and tools you need to help you tackle life’s biggest obstacles joyfully … if you dare.
The Ego: A Necessary Brat
The Ego: A Necessary Brat , , July 12, 2020by Qapel Doug Duncan Edited by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei and Andy RogersThe Ego: A Necessary Brat Most of us cherish our independence and our freedom...
Unconscious Forces in the Psyche: Money, Sexuality and Control (Power)
Money, sexuality, power, and control are unconscious drives – and part of the important shadow work that must be done in spiritual practice. And, we can learn to step back, and enjoy the theatre.
Conscious Community in the Nitty Gritty Real World: Five Tips
Do you want to live in a thriving, conscious community that values people, spiritual growth and care for the earth? Here are five tips that you can apply.
Are You Running on Empty?
In order for you to have wisdom, one of the first things required is some space between you and your objects. We call that emptiness.
Be a Stubborn Toddler and Other Tips for Meditation
Do you struggle in meditation? Does your mind wander? Here are some tips for improving your meditation practice, including becoming like a stubborn toddler.
Spiritual Awakening & the Modern Age
How might one attain to spiritual awakening in the modern world, in these complex times? In this article we look back at the two main historical models for spiritual training, and propose a contemporary approach for today.
Awakening Now
Planet Dharma’s Youtube Channel
Watch video excerpts of classes, retreats and courses given by Planet Dharma’s founding Dharma Teachers Qapel (Doug Duncan) and Sensei (Catherine Pawasarat).
Self Study Dharma Courses
Self Study Online Course
Astrology and Buddhism?! These are two powerful tools to help us better understand ourselves as individuals, our lives, the nature of being human, and the universe around us.
Intro to AstroDharma is an online self-study program developed by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei.
Wake Up: Four Paths
Self Study Online Course
Wake Up: Four Paths to Spiritual Awakening is a free online course for those searching for deeper insights and meaning in our world.
Planet Dharma’s Qapel and Sensei distill a life-changing practice into four core paths that you can apply to your home, work and relationships. Wake Up beckons to those looking for a path to spiritual awakening in the modern world.
Women & Buddhism
Self Study Online Course
Want to go deeper in your exploration of women and gender in buddhism? Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei for her watch-anytime online course Buddhist Women in the 2020’s, presented by the Menla Institute. Held over three days, with 6 hours of content, this inspiring series of talks and reflections is now available on the Menla Online platform.
Self Study Online Course
Generosity is a very central part of Buddhism, as well as other wisdom traditions. In Buddhism, generosity is known as dāna. It was often the first practice that Buddha would give to beginning students and you may know it as the first parami or paramita.
This self study course will help to cultivate a living generosity practice.
Awakening today.
We offer an ever-evolving modern spiritual path for committed, courageous seekers.
Explore the teachings three ways below: