Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras

Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras

By and on April 19th, 2020

Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras APRIL 19, 2020 Enlightening the Shadow and Chakras by Qapel Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei What does the path of spiritual awakening consist of? Fundamentally, spiritual practice gives birth to an ever-growing...
21 Taras Meditation Retreat

21 Taras Meditation Retreat

By and on January 3rd, 2015

Join us for a week-long retreat where we will study, contemplate and immerse ourselves in “Tara” – an archetype of support and nourishment, protection and encouragement.  Tara is a female bodhisattva, a being who delays their own Buddhahood or entry into nirvana...