Finding your growth edge [12:52]

By on July 4th, 2018

What`s your most challenging growth edge? What sparks you?  This lively, informal and interactive extract is from a class in our 2017 “Buddhas in Action” retreat at Clear Sky Retreat Center in B.C., Canada, with Achariya Doug Duncan, Catherine Pawasarat...
Awakening, Enlightenment & Wisdom

Awakening, Enlightenment & Wisdom

By and on February 27th, 2016

Doug Duncan Sensei shares about awakening, enlightenment and wisdom. This is an excerpt from the Kyoto Journal article ‘Moving Into the Stream: An Interview with Dharma Teacher Achariya Doug Duncan’ by Brendan Joseph Ries. What is awakening? Is...
The Dharma of Work

The Dharma of Work

By and on October 7th, 2014

Or getting paid to undertake spiritual training Spiritual training Historically, spiritual training took place almost exclusively within the monastery or convent. Nowadays few of us spiritual practitioners enter that kind of orthodox context. What then? We suggest...