What an Amazing Life: COVID-19

What an Amazing Life: COVID-19

By on March 21st, 2020

What an Amazing Life: COVID-19 21 March, 2020 by Doug Duncan Sensei My late mother had a saying: “It’s an ill wind that doesn’t blow some good.” With the deadly coronavirus it may seem hard to find the good in it. Let’s try. Nature’s Intelligence – A...
Forget Happiness – Gimme Bliss

Forget Happiness – Gimme Bliss

By and on February 20th, 2016

Happiness or Bliss? Which would you choose: happiness, or 16 different kinds of bliss? Classic Buddhist teachings don’t address happiness; they do, however address 16 different categories of bliss. These explorers of consciousness were really paying attention! Every...

The Left/Right Brain and Capital “M” Mind (Part 2 of 3)

By on February 20th, 2009

The noting of unity. All the objects of your mind are impermanent. Liberation from suffering/Nirvana/Christ consciousness is a right-hemisphere experience but the left hemisphere is the hemisphere that knows about it. — This talk was given in Kyoto, Japan, in...