We hope you enjoy today’s soundbite in which Doug Qapel Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei answer a question about how to stay fully engaged in wholesome and meaningful work without losing contact with the clear light mind of absolute reality. Catherine Sensei...
In today’s talk, taken from their course Beyond the Cushion delivered in the early days of the pandemic, Doug Qapel Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei explore the idea of the modern monastery. They explain what traditional aspects of the monastic model are being...
Why awaken? In this video, learn what enlightenment, awakening, Christ consciousness, or Buddha nature actually means for us as modern people who want to be more conscious. Discover why we would bother pursuing that state of being. Enlighten-Up is a monthly livestream...
Dharma Teachers Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat share about the types of meditation they teach. They also share their thoughts on the challenges that Westerners face in seeking awakening – particularly lack of depth and shallowness of practice. Finally they...
Addictions – an attempt to escape the pain The nature of addiction is an attempt to escape the pain at the core of our being. Resisting the urge to give in rather than face the appetite or addiction takes patience and determination. — If you want freedom...
The nature of addiction is an attempt to escape the pain at the core of our being. Resisting the urge to give in rather than face the appetite or addiction takes patience and determination. — “If you look at the nature of your consciousness, you’re...
Meditation is about seeing more clearly To meditate, you don’t have to be “smart,” says Doug Sensei. You just have to see clearly. — In this edited talk excerpt, Sensei discusses “the Purification of View” (from the Abhidhamma) and...
Roots of the path. The root of the path is sila, samadhi and panna. 1. The Golden Rule works. 2. Concentration — requires and effort that goes beyond your preference mind (you get bored). Important for right-hemisphere brain if mind is wandering around in the...