We hope you enjoy today’s soundbite in which Doug Qapel Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei answer a question about how to stay fully engaged in wholesome and meaningful work without losing contact with the clear light mind of absolute reality. Catherine Sensei...
In today’s talk, taken from their course Beyond the Cushion delivered in the early days of the pandemic, Doug Qapel Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei explore the idea of the modern monastery. They explain what traditional aspects of the monastic model are being...
Buddhas in Action: Karma Yoga In this new Planet Dharma episode, Achariya Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei shine light on the principle that “buddhas in action” (spiritual explorers waking up and growing through the path of selfless service) continually...
Moving from Self to Service When we aren’t meditating or working, what are we doing? Too often we are focused on ego preferences – the food we like, the people we like, the movies we like or dislike. But moving one’s focus from self, to service, is fundamental...
Jesus said: “seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33) The vedas say: “Those who have Unity in their awareness, those who have Unity lively in their awareness, Natural Law works for them.” The Buddha implied: Ignorance is...
The Divine Mysteries are about self-knowledge. The most truly successful human beings (Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ and the Buddha, to name a few) knew themselves. Nothing has changed. To know yourself is wisdom, and the mysteries are about knowing...
Dharma Training, Engagement and Social Business This is a continuation of The Dharma of Work (Part One) and (Part Two) The values from our social & work training apply to spiritual training Any good spiritual training incorporates the training that has already...
Or getting paid to undertake spiritual training Spiritual training Historically, spiritual training took place almost exclusively within the monastery or convent. Nowadays few of us spiritual practitioners enter that kind of orthodox context. What then? We suggest...